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Acquisition Analysis

Most restaurant businesses undergoing a transfer of ownership or restructuring are "in play" because they are perceived to be underperforming their true potentials.  Almost every transaction involved prospective new owners who expect, and typically pledge in their business plan, submission to lenders, increased sales and improved cash flow relative to current observable levels.  Often such improved financial performance is essential in order to make the numbers work, that is, to service new debt and to reward equity investment.  Obviously, the principal parties should fully understand the marketplace, the competition, the consuming public and the concept.

Fessel International's consulting capabilities provide lender institutions, buyers or sellers objective, factual assessments of the true potential for future success of a restaurant company.  We are experts in the restaurant business field who can provide the ideal analytical complement to the financially trained staffs of commercial lenders, SM&A specialists and investment bankers.  We can identify the actual problems that inhibit maximum performance (and valuation) and facilitate the development of strate­gies and tactics necessary to dramatically improve a restaurant business.

In the area of sales/acquisitions, we can potentially benefit any of the principal parties to the transac­tion.

For Lenders

  • Evaluation of industry and marketplace trends that may impact the future prospects of a company to help the lender minimize risk
  • Evaluation of (new) management's business plan to help minimize the risk of loan default
  • Identification of strategic priorities in order to maximize returns for equity investors

For Sellers

  • Business analysis to identify strategies and tactics that will maximize valuation
  • Assistance in preparation and presentation of the business history to maximize value, increase the likelihood of the buyer obtaining funding and generate maximum buyer interest

For Buyers

  • Analysis of industry trends, concept viability, and specific business practices and opportunities to identify unrealized potentials
  • Assistance in the preparation and presentation of a business plan to maximize the likelihood of obtaining funding
  • Ongoing consultation for business improvement

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